Dr Meshack Ndirangu

Country Director of Amref Health Africa in Kenya

Dr Ndirangu Wanjuki is the Country Director of Amref Health Africa in Kenya.

Growth-driven, forward-looking executive and public health leader known for defining organisational strategy, aligning programme goals with population health needs, and steering high-impact initiatives to strengthen governance, increase visibility in targeted markets, ensure financial viability, and enable healthcare access to millions. Restructure operations and implement best practices to improve programme results and support scalable growth for both NGOs and public sector institutions.

Cultivate and nurture strategic, mutually beneficial relationships with development agencies, philanthropic foundations, and government bodies to secure funds, advance programme goals, and enact policy change, with proven success in raising USD$300M+ in funding over 15 years, followed by impactful execution of the funded programmes. People-focused leader and accredited Executive Coach committed to mentoring, guiding, and developing promising talent, while instilling positive, safe, and diverse cultures of cohesion and compassion.

His academic qualifications include: MBA; MPH; MBChB; PD-Executive Coaching.

All Sessions by Dr Meshack Ndirangu